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Current and Upcoming Courses

  • Digital Identities DGN_digitalidentities
    • German UDS
    • DGN_digitalidentities
    • Starts:
    • The average Internet user has more than 25 Internet accounts, which are created for a wide variety of purposes. Besides accounts for e-mail services or social networks, users need access to learning platforms or online shopping services. Each of these internet accounts represents an individual digital identity. Each of these digital identities in turn contains a wide variety of personal information. In addition to information used to authenticate a user, such as an e-mail address or a password, further personal and sensitive data are required, such as bank details for payment or the place of residence for the subsequent delivery of an order. In this course we will consider such digital identities in detail. We explain cyber threats against digital identity and which techniques are available for a secure identity management.
  • Digital Transformation DGN_digitaltransformation
    • German UDS
    • DGN_digitaltransformation
    • Starts:
    • This introductory course on digital transformation offers a foundational understanding of the essential concepts and strategies that are reshaping the global business landscape through digital technology. The course demystifies the components and processes of digital transformation. Participants will explore how digital tools and innovations like AI, cloud computing, big data, and IoT are integrated into business to improve efficiency, enhance customer engagement, and foster competitive advantage. Key topics include the impact of digital technologies on various industries, the role of data in decision-making, and the ethical considerations surrounding digital initiatives. By the end of the course, attendees will be equipped with the knowledge to identify opportunities for digital innovation within their organizations and understand the implications of digital trends on their career and industry. The course combines theoretical instruction with practical examples and case studies to ensure a well-rounded understanding of digital transformation principles.
  • Internet Basics PRP_internetbasics
    • German UDS
    • PRP_internetbasics
    • Starts:
    • The Internet is the backbone of the digital world. To understand the digital transformation in society, business and private live one needs to understand how Internet is working. To this end this prep course provides all the Internet basics. It explains the functioning of different types of computer networks and how such computer networks can be interconnected by means of intermediate systems and communication protocols of the TCP/IP stack to form an Internet.


Familiarize yourself with digitization and innovation topics, here, on the open learning portal of the German University of Digital Science - at any time, from anywhere, interactively. Enjoy learning together with thousands of learners and get inspired by many inquisitive people around the world.



Bring your knowledge on information technology up to date. Satisfy your thrist for knowledge about digitalization and innovation and get fit to master the digital transformation and help to shape the world of tomorrow.


Made in Germany.

Whether you're an amateur or a professional - our English-language study programs, micro-degrees, and courses are challenging but also easy to understand. The German UDS protects your learning data in accordance with the high European GDPR standards.


Digital Enlightenment

Junior Courses

Prep Courses

Preview Courses

Micro Degrees

Basic courses for everyone.

Acquire basic knowledge to understand the latest developments in the digital world. Find out how emerging technologies, e.g. artificial intelligence, quantum computing or blockchain, will change your life.

Did we mention that these courses are free of charge?
Introductory courses for young people.

Immerse yourself in the world of tech as a young innovator and unleash your digital potential. Learn how to have fun programming, creating and building something. You’re not that young anymore but still want to participate? We welcome young people of all ages!

Before we forget, these courses are free of charge!
Preparation courses for students.

Learn the essential skills and acquire the basic knowledge to be successful in your chosen degree program at German UDS. Depending on your previous knowledge prep courses can help you to refresh your knowledge and start your studies well prepared.

You want to study somewhere else? Never mind! These courses will prepare you not only for the degree programs at the German UDS!

Would you believe that these courses are free of charge as well?
Orientation courses for prospective students.

Get a free introduction to boost our excellent university programs with their globally recognized degrees can give your career.

Obviously, these courses are free of charge!
Qualifying compact courses for professionals.

You want to up-skill or re-skill to boost your career? You need more IT expertise to manage digitalization projects well? You want to acquire basic Design Thinking skills to innovate as an entrepreneur or intrapreneur? Browse through our compact, individual learning modules led by highly qualified university professors.

Earn an additional academic qualification, a micro credential or micro degree, in a short range of time. Each micro degree offers an equivalent to 5 ECTS and can be accredited in academic programs.

Ask your employer for financial support or time to learn!

From Campus to Cyber

The German UDS in Focus – The Podcast. Follow our experts on the newest developments at the German UDS and the digital world in general.